


Brand, Website


Media, Sports Betting

Website redesign and identity uplifting for sports media Aposta10.


Aposta10 is a Brazilian online encyclopedia that offers an overview of popular betting services, sports news, match results, betting odds, and ways to maximize the betting experience.

We worked with the company on a complete website redesign, which serves as a media platform, corporate resource, knowledge library, and recommendation service. We also updated the platform’s logo and identity.

We developed a modern and user-friendly interface for the Aposta10 website, full of diverse content. We studied the types and prioritization of content for each essential target audience to offer a more efficient content organization system.

Instead of a cumbersome blog UI, we implemented a system of cards and dashboards, where each type of material has its unique design. We used a solution similar to Instagram stories for current updates, such as match results or forecasts.

Aposta10 is a live product with an active community. We developed a component-based design system and detailed content guidelines to facilitate support and future development of the site.

The new logo and mascot became the branded elements that users encounter across different channels, and they were modernized and harmoniously integrated into the platform.

This large project exemplifies a successful partnership where product-based approaches were used at all stages. We analyzed data and hypotheses, studied historical data and user preferences using analytics and heatmaps, tested solutions, and maintained regular contact with the client’s team and developers.

This product helps Aposta10 build a strong community around it and keep it in a sporty mood.


Iryna Avtukhova


Andrij Kurochkin

Graphic Design

Andrij Kurochkin

Web Design

Borys Yergiyev

Project Management

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