Apteka Dobrogo Dnia. Pharma e-commerce
App, Website
Pharmacy, E-commerce
Undertaking complex e-commerce platforms’ redesign of one of the most renowned pharmacy chains in Ukraine.

ADD (Apteka Dobrogo Dnia) is one of Ukraine’s most renowned pharmacy chains, boasting over 220 physical locations nationwide and serving at least half a million customers in-store every month.
As a corporate website and an online store, ADD’s website and app needed more service-oriented functionality and a user-friendly interface. We embarked on a close collaboration to revamp their online presence, thereby enhancing their market position.
Our main objective was to provide customers with the same level of care and support they would receive in a physical pharmacy but in an online format. To achieve this, we have implemented an intelligent search feature on both the website and the app, which can effectively locate medications based on symptoms and names, provide detailed drug information, and optimize the checkout process and loyalty programs.
The app is designed to function as a personal assistant, helping users keep track of their treatments and reminding them to take their medication on time. This personalized approach sets us apart from other pharmacies and provides a reliable solution to our customers’ healthcare needs.
The new website design represents a harmonious fusion of strategies for effective engagement with diverse user groups. The corporate aspect seamlessly integrates with the online Pharmacy, all within a unified interface.
Presently, the site welcomes nearly 2.5 million visitors from all corners of the country. Every visitor can now experience the convenience of online medicine search and purchase, mirroring the ease of a visit to a regular pharmacy.

Dmytro Boychuk
Art Direction
Oleh Smieltsow
Product Design
Andrij Kurochkin
Web Design
Serhii Mykhalchuk
Project Management