Crush Travel. A new digital approach to travel decisions
Ukrainian Design: The Very Best Of
An app to help travelers make conscious destination decisions. Watch curated video reviews from pros, clear doubts about places, and book accommodations.

Crush Travel is a startup that offers a unique approach to travel recommendation products. It connects individuals who share insights about various places and welcoming businesses, helping those seeking guidance on how and where to spend their time.
The app provides opportunities to explore new countries, cities, clubs, and hotels through video tours and content from travel creators. This platform serves as a social network where tours and reviews of diverse global destinations replace everyday photos and political posts.
We aimed to embody the startup’s vibrant idea of connecting travel vloggers with voyagers and travel businesses by designing a mobile application and its brand style.
The new logo incorporates the company’s slogan—Press play on your next trip. The dynamic arrow doubles as the letter T, transforming into a classic play button in the animated logo. The circular backdrop symbolizes globalization and community.
The brand palette evokes classy travel industry colors, vibrant and high-contrast, often seen in airlines and travel agencies. This palette seamlessly immerses Crush Travel users in the travel industry’s ambiance.
A crafted app encompassing social networks’ features and recommendation services, blending open discovery with specific requests. Users can search for and follow review authors, explore entertainment options, and dispel uncertainties about different places to construct personalized travel.
We’ve prioritized the convenience of Crush Travel for all users. Our focus was on content creators, who play a vital role in connecting providers and travelers enhancing the product’s value. Additionally, we developed a desktop application for content creators to manage their videos effectively.
Our team has equipped Crush Travel with the attributes required for a startup to flourish in the travel industry. The product aids people in planning adventures, resolving uncertainties, and expanding customer bases for travel businesses.

Dmytro Boychuk
Art Direction
Dmytro Spravko
Product Design
Yehor Petrenko
Project Management